CT Procedure Info

➜   Colonography

This information aims to give you a better understanding of this procedure.

There are differences in the way that this procedure is performed depending on the individual patient, the institution and the doctor. Therefore not all of this information may apply to you. Please discuss any concerns that you may have with your referring doctor. If you have questions about the procedure itself, please call us to speak with our Radiologist.

Why are you having this procedure?

CT colonography is a special CT scan designed to look at the large bowel. Often CT colonography’s are requested if a colonoscopy has not provided visualisation of your whole large bowel or if you have struggled with the preparation procedure for a colonoscopy.

Please notify us if you have;

  • any allergies, especially to intravenous iodine, contrast media or x-ray dye.

  • type 1 diabetes or take insulin

  • have had a Barium Enema or CT colonography in the last 3 months.

  • think you may be pregnant

  • have an overactive thyroid gland

  • if you have any kidney/renal function concerns.

How do I prepare for this procedure?

There is a specific important bowel cleansing process that you will need to follow. This is to ensure that no faecal content is retained that can hide abnormalities. Refer to the heading ‘Bowel Preparation’ for these specific instructions.

Two days prior eliminate high fibre foods such as fibrous fruit and vegetables.

The full day prior to your procedure you are unable to have solid food.

This diet restriction can give some people headaches, that can be treated with normal simple analgesics.

At least 3 days prior to examination Gastrograffin and Bowel Preparation instructions must be collected from Absolute Radiology.

What does this procedure involve?

You will require a referral form from your GP or your Specialist to have this procedure.

You can bring this directly to Absolute Radiology, have this faxed or emailed to us.

We will then contact you and arrange an appointment time and date to have your scan completed.

Time taken for this procedure is approximately 1 hour.

When you arrive on the day of your scan we will ask you to complete a patient questionnaire and check all of your details are correct.

You will be escorted to a change room and asked to change in to a gown.

The procedure

Once you are changed into a gown you will move to the CT scanning room.

We will ask you to roll on your left hand side while a tube is placed in the rectum.

Once this is completed we ask you to lie on your back while gas is gently inflating your bowel. When your abdomen is feeling distended we complete the scan. Scanning will also be repeated while you are lying on your tummy so full views of your large bowel are available.

Once the scans have been completed, you are able to visit the bathroom, and get changed back to your clothes.

Bowel Preparation

Two days prior - Eliminate high fibre foods such as fibrous fruit and vegetables.

One day prior

Follow the recommendations below.

Early Morning

  • Take your usual medications

  • During the morning drink at least 1 glass of clear water or fluid each hour.


  • Normal Adults Drink half of the bottle of Gastrograffin = 50 ml (frail or those over 80 years of age will only drink 25ml)

  • Gastrograffin can be mixed with equal part of water with cordial of your choice added.


  • One cup of clear, strained soup and one serving of plain jelly (no fruit, cream or additions allowed).During afternoon -

Drink the afternoon

  • Drink at least 1 glass of clear water or fluid each hour.

  • Fluids can include black tea, coffee, herb teas, clear soups and clear juices.


  • one cup of clear, strained soup and one cup clear soft drink, or black tea or coffee.

  • Normal Adults Drink the remaining 50 ml of Gastrograffin diluted as above. (frail or those over 80 years of age will only drink 25ml)

Between 6.00pm and bedtime

  • Drink at least one glass of water or clear fluid every hour.

Day of scan

Do not take your regular medication, but bring this with you to take following the scan.

You may have sips of fluid only the day of your scan to relieve dryness of your mouth.